
Before our call, it’s helpful to have some answers ready! So, I’m giving you fun things to explore and brainstorm before we hop on a call together.

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Dream your biggest dream

  • Write down this: if you could wave your magic wand and have any business success that you desired, what would that look like? Would you run your virtual interior design business from Madrid? Spend all day in your cozy home creating logos for clients? Have enough money coming in from your business that you only work until noon and spend the rest of the day how you want it?

  • Find your role models. List 3 business owners that you really admire and what you’d LOVE to sell too. For example: “I love Lacy Phillips who teaches manifestation and I’d love to have a podcast and online course!” It’s helpful for me to understand who’s business you like and feel inspired by.

  • Check out the success stories. Read this page here and see which stories resonate with you the most.

Get Inspired

  • Listen to 3 interviews. Click through the tabs on the right-hand side of the featured interviews listed below and listen to three people’s stories who are in similar positions as you. Grab your favorite tea, pop your earbuds in, and enjoy these fun chats! As you listen, look for things you have in common with these people. (And, remember that what you admire about others is a direct reflection of your own genius!)


Feel prepared

  • Write down any questions you have for me. I’m more than happy to answer them all at the end!

  • Get to know me. Make sure you know my background + experience. And, the fact that I’m from Canada, so you’ll know I’ll say “eh” on the phone!

  • Talk to your accountant. If you have an existing business, you can write this off as a business expense so your business covers the cost and not you. If you don’t have a business, you can always pay on your personal credit card and reimburse yourself later from your business. An accountant and bookkeeper will help you with that! (And if you don’t have either, don’t worry, we’ll talk about getting you one in coaching together!)

  • Talk to HR. If you work in a corporate company, perhaps you can use your “learning and development” money towards a course or coaching with me.

  • Schedule any conversations you need beforehand. If you need to talk to your significant other about making an investment in your business, please make sure you have that chat BEFORE we hop on a call. Enroll them in your vision, explain how this is an investment and business expense, and have their support if you make joint financial decisions. If we find that we’re the right fit, I want you to be ready for your quantum leap!


And lastly….Do a Happy dance!

Woohoo, pal! You’re ready to go!

I am so beyond stoked to connect with you so we can start building out your dreams. Sending you a virtual hug and looking forward to chatting with you soon!

All the love,
