How a Client Launched Her Business Before Graduating College

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"My heart was tugging for me to honor myself."


Grab your favorite type of tea and cozy up for the hour with Dominique and I for a soul-centered chat! Dom and I go way back to when we met at a summer entrepreneurship pre-accelerator program called Draper U. Since then, we’ve been good pals and kindred seekers on the same self-discovery journey for a while. About a year ago, Dom hired me as her business coach and we went to work creating her business (before she finished college!) In this interview we talk about honoring your soul’s desires, how to take baby steps towards your goals, and what it was like for Dom to create and launch an entire service-based Psych-K business before she graduated from college. We chat about how time is a myth and that you can get started on your entrepreneurial journey soon and you don’t need to keep waiting since both Dom and I launched business after college. Plus, you’ll also learn why you need to shine your light in this world and stop dimming it so that your like-hearted friends can find you and so that the opportunities you desire are magnetized towards you. In this episode you’ll also learn about the modality of Psych-K and how you can use it to clear subconsicous blocks. Light your favorite candle, boil that pot of water, and get snuggled up on the couch for this amazing episode with Dominique.


About Her:


Dominique is a loving and heart-centered PSYCH-K facilitator, who works with clients anywhere in the world to easily and effectively transform any self-limiting beliefs, triggers and traumas in minutes. Her journey to this work started at an early age, when she found herself drawn to all things related to wellness, health, and self-development. Through her own wellness journey of shedding conventional expectations to tune into her own inner wisdom, she discovered an energy psychology called PSYCH-K, which was the easiest approach she had ever tried to rapidly transform anxieties and limiting beliefs. With PSYCH-K, she was able to peel away the layers of subconscious programming that were causing anxiety, mental distress, and physical dissonance in the body, and live in a constant state of optimal health, flow, and ease. Today, she shares her love for PSYCH-K as a PSYCH-K facilitator, and works with clients to easily and rapidly transform their own lives, from states of fear, resistance, or disempowerment, to peace, love, and empowerment.


In this episode, you'll learn:


  • What is Psych-K.

  • What a Psych-K session is like. (This stuff works like magic. It's really fun, unlike anything else I've tried, and it clears your subconscious blocks. Plus, you get to celebrate every time a block is cleared!)

  • What kind of blocks you clear with Psych-K.

  • How Dominique got into doing this work.

  • How I really admire that Dominique go for things in life. Dominique spent a summer doing the Draper University accelerator program, she started your own coaching business, and got certified as a Psych-K instructor before you graduated college and now offers Psych-K sessions.

  • The tipping point in Dominique’s life where she DECIDED to go for her dreams + the moment that ignited her into action.

  • How Dominique had the courage to branch out, get certified in Psych-K, and do more heart-centered creative work. 

  • How Dominique has a computer science background and is doing your heart-centered work now. Dominique shares her advice for the person who feels nervous to pivot onto a new path.

  • A lot of folks feel hesitant to go for their heart's desire out of the fear for what others will think of them. We talk about if that come up for Dominique at all and how she navigated it.

  • How Dominique started building this business (+ did coaching with me) before she finished college. Usually, society says that you can't "do stuff" until you're older or "more accomplished." Yet, her and I both started young. Dominique shares her advice for the listener who feels this way.

  • How getting private coaching with me supported Dominique in her business building journey. 

  • The most helpful thing for Dominique in coaching.

  • How Dominique describes what it's like to work with me 1:1.

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