Share Your Win

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Let’s celebrate you

Whether you finally launched your business, booked your first paid client, or even quit your full-time job — I want to hear your wins! (Both big and small). Quite often, it’s hard to celebrate our personal wins, so that’s why I’m making space for you to it here so that I can share your story with the community so that we can all give you a virtual high-five!

I know you much love you’ve poured into this, so now it’s time to buy the pretty fresh flowers and grab a slice of gluten-free cake. Please share your story below (in as much detail as possible) so we can pop the virtual bubbly and celebrate your success!


Share Your Story



 Looking for an Example?

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“As a creative, I used to be really insecure about my business skills. Before I invested in Your Conscious Empire I was scared, unsure and confused. I was excited about having my own graphic design business but I was stuck on what steps to take next!

Every week as new content was released, I watched the modules and did the work diligently and I’m so happy I did! I’m so grateful to Kelly and this course!

In just 6 weeks I had a brand new website with compelling copy, 2 design packages nailed down, I registered for an LLC, got legal agreements, setup my bookkeeping, created a social media plan, and found the courage to put in my notice at my full-time job. Typing all that out really gives me the shivers! I’m so grateful to Kelly and this course!

Kelly creates a roadmap for you that is easy to follow, comprehensive and chalk full of the resources that are so necessary when you’re just starting out.

I’m so excited to continue to refer back to this course as my business grows and evolves. I definitely believe that this investment was worth it! Kelly made me feel supported, free and ready to put myself out there.”