Honor Your Soul's Divine Calling

49 - Honor Your Soul's Divine Calling - The Kelly Trach Show.jpg

Are you listening? Or are you shoving it away in the top shelf of your linen closet hoping that it will go away?


Your soul has it's own path. Maybe you already know it. Maybe you are still in the process of uncovering it.

In this episode, I'm sharing why it's so important to acknowledge it, honor it and let it out. Too many of us hide it away, pretend like it's not there, and lock it away. Whatever you have inside of you, that needs to be expressed. Plus, it can be as simple as going to a single pottery class versus overhauling your life and making it your full time job.

When you honor your soul's calling, you are co-creating with the Universe, and expressing your divine gifts that have been strategically given to you. Most importantly, when you express who you really are, you'll never mull over the dreaded bedtime question of: "what am I doing with my life?"

This episode is perfect for anyone who has a creative endeavor they want to pursue and all of my makers and shakers out there.


In this episode, you'll learn:


- That you can pursue your soul's calling in anyway, shape, or form. You just have to let it out.

- That your soul endavors can just be for fun - like a weekend activity or an evening plan. It doesn't have to be a full time job or a side hustle.

- How to honor your calling by acknowledging that its even there and spending time with it. (Versus stuffing it away and telling it you'll return in 10 years when you're done with the corporate world).

- Why the world needs your gifts and why you need to rise up. 

- What to do when you don't know your calling.

- That when you open your gifts and share them, it enables others to shine their light too. (+ You never know who you are inspiring in the process!)


Resources mentioned:


Your Best Life



Find Kelly:


Instagram: @kellytrach


Music for The Kelly Trach Show is by Ikson: soundcloud.com/ikson

Support for this episode comes from:


Four Sigmatic 

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