5 Ways to Perfectly Plan Your Week as an Entrepreneur

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Overwhelmed? I’m bringing the fire hose and taking down those flames of overwhelm with this simple schedule you NEED to score!


Gosh, do you ever find yourself wondering: “what should I work on?” You know there are, like, a million things to do as a business owner (or soon-to-be one), but perhaps you find yourself feeling confused about where to start or how to schedule time. Or heck, how to even FIND the time in the first place! If you’ve been feeling scattered and all over the place, I want to dish the deets on how I plan my week and what I teach my members in The Mentorship (since this was such a hotly requested topic for a monthly training!) Grab your earbuds, pour yourself a cup of tea, and sit down with your fav floral agenda for this episode. It’s hella juicy!


In this episode, you'll learn:


  • How I plan my week… which is actually through bizarrely planning my YEAR first! (You might be surprised to see how I schedule and plan after listening to this episode).

  • What a typical day-in-the-life of Kelly Trach looks like.

  • How I find the time and make time for big projects (like my upcoming first published book!)

  • About the power of batching tasks and why I’m head-over-heels in love with whoever invented this incredible way of working cuz it’s the * only * way I get sh*t done ‘round here!


Resources mentioned:

Free Quiz: What’s Your Zone of Genius?

Your Conscious Empire

The Full Focus Planner + $10 off coupon code is here: kellytrach.com/tools

List of books mentioned here: kellytrach.com/tools


Find Kelly:


Instagram: @kellytrach


Music for The Kelly Trach Show is by Ikson: soundcloud.com/ikson

Support for this episode comes from our partners. You can find their discount codes here: kellytrach.com/tools