Kelly Trach | Business Consultant + Author

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Jess Robson on Embracing Wholeness, Finding Your Truth & Knowing When to Make the Leap

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Jess Robson on Embracing Wholeness, Finding Your Truth & Knowing When to Make the Leap Kelly Trach

"The practice of coming home is continual."

You are in for a treat today, my friend! Jess Robson is here on the podcast and this conversation is so refreshing, nourishing, and filled with those "me too" moments. Jess is a copywriter, a freelance creative, and a hand-lettering pro and you are so going to dig our chat today. Her words really are like honey!

Today, we're talking about owning who you really are, how that process unfolded for Jess and this notion of coming home to yourself. This includes embracing your humanness, loving the mess, and accepting what is. 

Jess is someone who embodies true realness and full self-expression and I knew she was just the person to share about the journey of rerouting back to your truth. This path can definitely be a rocky one full of "shoulds" and following social norms and we talk about having the courage to align with what is true for you.

Plus, we also chat about making bold leaps and how you know it's time to jump. In this chat, Jess intimately shares her leaps into the unknown and the markers along her path which illuminated her decision. We also deep dive on big, heart-centered topics like trust, faith, and allowing for the divine unfolding in your life (versus trying to force it all on your watch). 

So my friend, grab your notebook and dive into this conversation with Jess and I for the hour. This is a note-taking, a-ha moment inducing podcast episode if I've ever heard one myself! I hope you love this chat just as much as I do.  


About Jess:


Jess Robson is a copywriter and freelance creative supporting entrepreneurs, business owners and brands in infusing their impact into their messaging, helping them speak their value into the world with power and purpose. Over five years as an entrepreneur, and supported by the endless years of voracious journaling and language-love, Jess has cultivated a 100% referral based business with clients from all corners of this fine planet we call home. 

Because words are everything in her world (and idle hands aren't a thing she's ever had), before copywriting really took off, Jess kick-started a passion for handlettering. Inspired by endless Youtube videos of lettering pros and armed with a cheap set of brushes, she put her hands to work and has established a custom-created line of prints (and more!), where words that leave a mark on her clients are expressed as art. And! Coming soon...the 'Robson' letters will be a font! #neat.

Beyond the copy and the creative, Jess is an intrepid explorer, a passionate listener, a facilitator, speaker, bourbon-drinker and sea-to-sky living Squamish resident who's on a mission to bring a little more love to the world in the form of self-expression, empathy, and soul-deep connection.


In this episode, you'll learn:


- Why the process is so important to Jess. Especially understanding that things happen in divine timing versus on your clock. (+ Her value of "process" and how she describes it).

- About Jess' concept of "Naked Sundays" and how to put yourself first and fill up your cup.

- How to be yourself and be cool with it. 

- How Jess' practice of goal setting illuminated how afraid she was about failure. 

- That "the practice of coming home is continual." And that it's a constant evolution.

 - How to take up space in this world and breathe deeply knowing that your uniqueness isn't wrong.

- About the importance of speaking up and as Jess perfectly shared: "exactly when I'm getting pinched off is exactly when I need to speak."  

- How to find a safe place and a person who can hold space for you to share your truth without judgement or pressure.

- That the art of expressing yourself consciously sometimes comes from a quick pump of the breaks and asking yourself: "what do I want to say? What do I need to say?" Then, finding the words and a safe place to express it. (I love how Jess explains this in today's episode).

- How to make the leap and when you know that you're ready to commit wholeheartedly.

- That when we get lost in self-imposed "shoulds" and expectations, we lose ourselves, voice, and purpose. (+ The moment when Jess realized that she was no longer herself).

- What to do when you get caught up in the "one-way-ness" of schools, organizations, cultures, and groups and how to find another way that feels creative, generative, and expressive of who you are.

- How to get out the scarcity mindset and lean into abundance when it comes to our gifts and sharing our work. (+ The reminder that generous breeds more generosity).

- How to trust that your service and voice is needed in the world. (+ How to cultivate that trust as well on a deep, soulful level).

- How you are only responsible for your work and once you release your gifts, it's no longer on you. This means surrendering and trusting the Universe that what is meant for you will come to you.

- That trust, faith, and diving off the diving board is a learned practice.  (+ Jess' mantra: "inhale trust and love, exhale faith and patience"). 

- "With faith and patience, it's the ability to know that what's going to happen is going to happen at the right time and that it's all coming." 

- About the power of listening. (+ How complete listening is a generous act and a tool to connect. It's a way we can hear someone's purpose behind their words).


Resources Mentioned:


- Fergie's Cafe in Squamish, BC

- Scandinave Spa in Whistler, BC

- The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer

- The Juice Truck

- On Writing by Stephen King

- Copy School

- Ladyvana & Girlvana Retreats

- Alex Mazerolle

- Russian Stacking Dolls

- Is Your Competitiveness Rooted in Scarcity? — The Kelly Trach Show

- The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

- Ryan Leier


Find Jess: 

Instagram: @jessrobson

(+ Photos of Jess are by  Jeremy Jude Lee)



Find Kelly:


Instagram: @kellytrach

Music for The Kelly Trach Show is by Ikson:

Support for today's show comes from:

Four Sigmatic 

No jitters, packed with superfoods, and no stomach flare-ups like regular coffee. P.S. my friends at Four Sigmatic are offering you 15% off your order (anytime!) so use the code: "kellytrach" at checkout.

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