Connie Chapman on Slowing Down, Tuning In & Awakening Your Inner Wisdom

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"Trust is being able to trust in the feeling & inner knowing rather than needing proof or evidence to show you."


I am so excited to bring you this deeply nourishing and delicious conversation with Connie Chapman. I've been following Connie for years and it's such a pleasure to share her with you today.

This episode is all about how to start leading from your heart and inner wisdom and surrendering the mind, the rational brain, and the ego over to your true north and inner guiding compass. This is a personal practice that I've been consciously exploring and Connie is my all-time favorite teacher to learn from.

When you are living from your head it's all about meeting goals, doing what other people want, making others happy, being a success and getting validation. When you steer from your heart, it's all about what feels good for you, awakening your inner guidance, and tuning into what makes you come alive.

As Connie shares, "we usually don't question something until it stops working for us." For me, that was certainly leading with my rational mind and ignoring my heart. And in this conversation we talk about the moment when it all shifted. Connie dishes out so many practical, implementable tips for slowing down, making space to hear your inner wisdom, and how to find that voice and expand this practice.

This conversation is so grounding and if you feel called to come back home to yourself, then tune in. Connie has divine wisdom to share with you and how you can live a more heart-centered juicy life.


About Connie:


Connie Chapman is a life coach, speaker, and writer empowering big dreamers and soul seekers to discover a new way of living, and create lives they love (from the inside out). Through her international 1:1 coaching practice she has spent the past 5 years personally guiding hundreds of women and men to break free of their limitations and unlock their true potential.

Connie is the creator of the transformative course Slow Down & Tune In, and host of the top-ranking podcast Awaken Radio where she shares inspiring and heartfelt conversations that reach thousands of listeners in countries all around the world.

Known for her authentic, honest and soulful approach, Connie's transformative work is all about re-connecting with your heart and inner wisdom, embodying more love, peace and freedom, creating a mindset that empowers you, and learning to truly accept and value yourself.


In this episode, you'll learn:


- How to slow down your daily life, get into your body, and become more grounded.

- How to start making more nourishing choices based on how things feel to access the deeper wisdom that's sitting inside of the body to get your answers.

- The difference between "I think" and "I feel." (+ How the mind can make up rules about what's right and wrong).

- How to understand a "yes" and a "no" in your body.

- How to start living a heart-led life which encompasses living from your intuition and inner wisdom.  

- How to begin with mindfulness to observe and watch the mind.

- That "we usually don't question something until it stops working for us."

- How Connie sets up her nourishing and calm space in the morning. (+ How she physically creates space to allow her intuition to show up).

- What her sacred morning journaling practice looks like to receive inner guidance that feels more loving and supportive. 

- How to allow things into your life. (+ That the plan is unfolding and flowing in your favor).

- When we push, it means that we don't trust and we're seeking external validation and confirmation.

- To feel for where the flow of energy is calling you to act. (+ That when a desire comes to you from within, it's already done).

- That we all have innate wisdom to be intuitive and that we are being guided. The more you practice it, the more it will expand. (+ When you call on your intuition, you'll ask a different part of yourself).


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Resources mentioned:


Awaken Radio

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

The Vortex by Abraham Hicks

Eckhart Tolle

Marianne Williamson

Insight Timer App

Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach

Guided Mediations by Tara Brach

Tara Brach Podcast

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Four Sigmatic instagram giveaway


Find Connie:

Awaken Radio with Connie Chapman

Instagram: @connie_champan


Find Kelly:


Instagram: @kellytrach

Music for The Kelly Trach Show is by Ikson:

Support for this episode comes from:

Four Sigmatic. No jitters, packed with superfoods, and no stomach flare-ups like regular coffee. P.S. my friends at Four Sigmatic are offering you 15% off your order (anytime!) so use the code: "kellytrach" at checkout.

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